ProtestBlog: 10/25/20: ¨Let us Worship¨ on the Washington, Mall. Showing off your faith that you can survive COVID-19

Participants at this superspreader event, helping to usher in the next and likely most deadly wave of COVID-19, what these people generally refer to as the ¨China Virus¨, were not required to wear masks and in fact few could be seen in the crowd. Masks, even when facing a new and as yet unknown 'wave' are not part of Christian chique.

It is an odd, tragic, and especially ironic reality we face where the people most anxious to get to heaven actually hasten their departure by not wearing a face mask at a large event like this one. Many pointed to the fact that it was at least held outdoors as especially important to take into consideration. We shudder to think what kind of super spreader events these people will host over the coming dark and deadly winter - indoors.

Prayer, singing and mass baptisms, are all certified to be super-spreader vehicles. Unfortunately, however, these people, not all of whom are young and in good shape, tend to treat the need for masks and social distancing as if these precautions suggest a weakness in one’s faith in God. More reckless than pious, the failure to take precautions, and in fact that insistence on getting together in large groups itself, shows more distain for life than it does respect, what these folks so often trumpet as their center stage - a supposed respect for life.