ProtestBlog.org: Fresh out of lockdown, Extinction Rebellion is flexing its post-lockdown muscles and taking the fight to new heights against Big Oil, Shell in particular, with airlines receiving special attention. London´s police have reminded the group by letter that gatherings of more than 30 people will be fined £10,000.
The group is also focusing its campaigning on UK airports, asking the aviation industry not to return to "business as usual" after the Coronavirus pandemic.
Activists are focused on around airports in Luton, Leeds Bradford and Stansted.
Activists demonstrated outside Transport for London offices in Stratford, east London, to highlight the deaths linked to air pollution from traffic. Dressed as banshees - mythical creatures according to folklore who shrieked to mourn the death of family members, they also protested plans for a new tunnel in east London. Other events include a "carnival of corruption" outside government offices, a "walk of shame" near the Bank of England, and a silent protest outside Buckingham Palace.
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It is time for all of us to reflect on how we are going to adjust to life without air travel:
It is better to give up flying than to die flying.