Mid-July, 2020, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf flew to Portland to supervise the battle on the ground personally, saying the city has been "under siege for 47 straight days." He refers to the protesters as "anarchists" and accuses them of damaging the federal courthouse and other property. "A federal courthouse is a symbol of justice - to attack it is to attack America," Wolf wrote in his statement, clarifying further that “DHS will not abdicate its solemn duty to protect federal facilities and those within them."
Local officials were seeking de-escalation, Trump is seeking electoral brownie points with the frustrated half of America that is thirsty for violence to quash the protesters and preserve corporate hegemony, corporate jails, police murder with impunity, and the mortgaging of young people’s futures. Wake up young people! The time is now! Those who are young at heart, those who love the 1960s and want to live it in real life while you have a chance – your last chance! Those who would like to see young black men go to college instead of jail, those who would like to see an America where people are not murdered on TV every week by police officers in the street! Come to Portland! Bring your gas mask!
The local Portland Police have basically abandoned the zone where Federal buildings are located to the warring factions. They had talked to the protesters, trying to calm the situation. The new Federal invaders do not talk to the protesters, resulting in a hardening of positions. Portland is refusing to surrender its city center to a Trump Takeover. According to Wolf, Hatfield Courthouse, Terry Schrunk Plaza, the 911 Federal Building, and the Pioneer Courthouse have all been vandalized, with protesters using lasers to attempt to damage officers' eyes, shooting fireworks at the federal courthouse, and trespassing.
Come to Portland to Help US! If you do not want to point lasers at the police, you can make some avocado sandwiches and fill water bottles!
Day 50, city center full of teargas: