ProtestBlog.org: is calling for independent and impartial investigations into the killing of some two dozen children as young as 8 years old in last November alone, murdered in cold blood in the street by the security forces of Iran. Mostly a result of gunshots, there are also numerous reports of deaths of children due to shattered skulls and pierced internal organs.
The deaths of 23 children were recorded as having been killed in 13 cities in six provinces across the country (Esfahan, Fars, Kermanshah, Khuzestan, Kurdistan and Tehran), reflecting the widespread nature of this brutality bloody crackdown. Families of those killed in protests are being intimidated by the state and forced to observe restrictions on how they commemorate their loved ones, if not, they are not given the bodies. Other families have been forced to bury their children right away, in the presence of security officials.
These were and will always be the finest of our children, those with the least fear and the greatest sense of justice. May the light of their life and their souls always burn among us as we struggle to for an Iran free from the totalitarian monstrosity now in charge, holding the country by the throat, consuming its children and driving the forces of murder and destruction throughout the Middle East - in a futile attempt to maintain its patriarchal stranglehold over the people. Socal change is no longer driven by geopolitics in the Middle East but by protest, blood, and the spirit of our bravest children that will live on in us for generations to come.
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